Sunday, July 4, 2010

Harold Brocklebank Herbert

Popping into the Royal Historical Society of Victoria  recently this book, Harold Herbert: Convivial Artist,  on the 'for sale' rack struck my eye, and seizing it to investigate further it turned out to be a brief biography of Harold Brocklebank Herbert by John C Trinca.  Herbert has been mentioned previously in this blog as the artist who designed the MMTB Roll of Honour.  The book has colour plates of a range of his watercolours, including some made during his sojourn in the Middle East as a War Artist in WW2.

Herbert had a range of interests outside his art, including membership of the Savage Club, and also the Cormorant Club, dedicated to preserving trout by eradication of Cormorants - though apparently Herbert seldom despatched a cormorant himself. 

A steal at only $10!


  1. What a find! Is this a newly published one that the RHSV happened to stock, or are they running a good line in secondhand books? It would be good if they were!

  2. RHSV published it in 1997, and there are still a few left. Herbert really was a delightful landscape watercolourist. I'd better declare an interest in sales, being a member of the RHSV. I've been walking past that book on the sales shelf for some years without picking it up once.
