Thursday, March 16, 2017

Diversity within the AIF

Private John Christian Herweg of Moonee Ponds.  Courtesy of John Gilbert.

What happens if you are an Australian officer with a German name?  What happens if you are German with sons in the Australian Imperial Force?  What happens if you have lived  happily in Australia for 40 years, but suddenly become an enemy alien?  Lenore Frost explores the complexities facing different cultural groups within our community. 

The talk will be held on Tuesday 21 March at the Flemington Library, 6.30 to 7.30.  Book online at: or in person at the Flemington Library  or by phone on 8325 1975.


  1. This sounds really interesting but as I am in WA would it be possible to get a transcript after your talk. Thank you I have subscribed to this comment.

  2. Hi Heather, I have a plan to turn it into an article for my webpage, and when I have put it online, I will mention it on the blog, so stay tuned. That way you will get the images as well. It will take a few days to get it sorted.
    Best wishes,
