Sunday, November 4, 2012

6th Field Ambulance in Egypt, 1915

3355 George Gordon Williams is standing on the right in the photo above,  but who is on the left?  He is wearing a nice watch.


  1. Hi Lenore , I too have some photos taken by Ballarat Drivers - 6th Field Ambulance. Have been working on tracing war records of those whose names appear. Photos taken at Tel-el-Kebir Egypt from January 1916 - March 1916. Names are Rodgers/ Bousted/Sevior/Ellison/Ludbrook.
    Susan M - Geelong

  2. I also have a photo album which belonged to a member of the 6th Field Ambulance - mostly Ballarat drivers. Have been working on war records of those whose names appear on back of photos. Taken between Jan 1916 and March 1916 at Tel-el_Kebir - Egypt.

  3. Did you see the full set of photos on my website?

    G G Williams went from the 6th Field Amb to 12th Field Amb, as did many of the others.
