John Vosti is the
father of a large family living in Ascot Vale
during the Great War. In 1917 he is working at the Cordite Factory,
Maribyrnong, and playing with the Essendon City Council Band. His
eldest son, Les, is in France with the AIF as a
John Vosti’s diaries, covering 1917 to 1920, give a detailed account
of the daily life of a working family caught up in the struggle of a
nation at war. Anxiously awaiting news from their soldier son, they
participate in pro-Conscription rallies and patriotic events. At the
war’s end the struggle continues with industrial disputes affecting
their jobs, while the Spanish flu epidemic rages through the district.
These unique diaries offer a special insight into the life of an
ordinary working family in a difficult period in Australia’s history.
You can get a copy here or here.
Love the cover. And really love diaries as primary evidence of the times - especially when the diarist writes about more than just the weather.