Thursday, February 24, 2011

Off to War from Kensington - Autumn Twilight Walk

Friday 11 March  2011, 6.00- 7.30pm

This 90 minute walk is an opportunity for those who are interested in Kensington’s World War One Volunteers. We will look at the homes from which the volunteers came and some of the Post World War One Memorials. For example there were 32 volunteers who enlisted from Bellair Street alone, mostly in 1915 and 1916.

Meet outside the Kensington-Flemington Town Hall, Bellair Street, Kensington at 6.00 pm. Book at Kensington Neighbourhood House 89 McCracken Street, Kensington VIC 3031, Ph: 03 9376 6366, or via Wayward Books 172 Bellair Street, Kensington VIC 3031. Limited places. Gold coin donation, no charge for children accompanied by an adult.

Tour Leader - Lenore Frost, Creator of the online project
The Empire Called and I Answered -  WW1 Volunteers of Essendon and Flemington


  1. I've just found all this too late Lenore. I would have loved to attend.

  2. Never mind, I have a website launch coming up in Flemington on April 20, stay tuned for details. Do you have a local volunteer in the family?
