Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lieutenant Harold Harthacnut Herbert Locke

Harold Locke, a veteran of the South African War, enlisted with the 4th Light Horse Regiment in 1915.  His story is told by Rod Martin, and can be found on The Empire Calls website here


  1. Interesting yarn - thank you. I wonder if there is any family out there who would have stories of Uncle Harold? He seemed to be from a big family, although the most basic of searches can only find three siblings who died in the 1920-1985 period in Victoria - and even then two have the mother's name mis-spelled.

    And I wonder what happened to his former wife .... All red herrings that should not distract us from the story of one of many who carried the effects of the trauma of war. Thank you.

  2. Thanks to Rod Martin! There could be an update coming, so come back in a day or so for another look. I think Florence opened a draper's shop, but I'll have to go back and look at that again.
