Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Royal Australian Field Artillery Barracks, West's Road, Maribyrnong

This turned out to be more difficult to photograph than I envisaged.  The building is set back from West's Road.  Quite a few of the local volunteers were either stationed here with the Australian Field Artillery, or trained here after volunteering.   Built in 1911, it is on the Victorian Heritage Database.      A very interesting heritage study of the Maribyrnong Defence Industries sites can be downloaded in pdf format from here.


  1. Beautiful building - and winter is the ideal time for photographs, everywhere these days. Trees do get so much in the way, good though they are.

  2. If you click on the photo you will see there is a dirty big post in the way as well, though I cropped a good bit out. AND I wrecked my leg walking over there, and am still hobbling. :-( There are quite a few interesting defence establishment red brick buildings in the vicinity - I'll have to go over for a closer look. This building was said to have overlooked the parade ground, but I haven't worked out whether that meant from the front or back of the building. There are probably maps if I go hunting.
